The Grayling Society on the Ilkley Wharfe
The Grayling Society – report of Ilkley Wharfe fish day, 22nd Oct 23
On 21st October the Grayling Society held its annual Symposium and AGM in Ilkley, at the Craiglands Hotel. The following day was due to be a fishing day but rivers in spate had forced most of the fishing to be cancelled. Only at Ilkley did some fishing take place.
The river at Ilkley was high but dropping. It was too high for fly fishing but ideal for trotting.
For further information about the Grayling Society please visit their website :- The Grayling Society
To fish the River Wharfe for Grayling, day tickets and half year Grayling Season Tickets may be purchased on-line via this website
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for letting us fish your beautiful river. I had a lovely day and caught in excess of 12 trout and 2 Grayling. I can’t be exact on the trout as I lost count after the 12. I had quite a few quick releases as well. In search of our quarry, “the lady” I went down to the main bridge as you suggested and fished on the far bank where I had a lot of success. It was only when I switched over to worm that I caught my 2 Grayling. Both the trout and Grayling were all in beautiful condition and lovely wild fish, you must be very proud of your river. I had two trout in excess of a pound and a half. The 2 Grayling were approximately half a pound each. Thanks again for letting us fish your river. I’m sure I’ll be back at some point to fish it again.
Kind regards. CF
Dear Dave,
Very many thanks for the guidance in fishing the Ilkley waters yesterday. I caught 3 Grayling and 2 brown trout. All grayling and one trout came in the stretch running down to the Cromwheel Pool where I started fishing from shingle bank to worm. I lost 2 rather large fish that came to a worm trotted down the edge between the foot suspension bridge and the sewage works. The fish took off stripping line downstream. If I had had waders on I could have walked the edge down. I played both for some time before they escaped. Presume brown trout.
Anyway, a lovely day and as you predicted the river was ideal for trotting. I only fished until 2.15pm before heading south.
Very many thanks for organisation and guiding. I will certainly add the Ilkley waters to my list for future visits.
Very best KG
Hi David,
Just got home to Edinburgh, so I am emailing to let you know how the fishing went yesterday. I had a really enjoyable day. Got 6 grayling, and 6 trout: mostly from the swim you pointed out for me, on the right bank of the river just below the road bridge. The grayling were nice fish: almost all in the 10 to 14 oz weight range. The trout were very good. I would say the largest was around the three pound mark: a beautiful yellow fish. And two of the others were around 2 lb.
Most impressed, not only with the river and the fish, but also with your hospitality and kindness in showing us round, and taking so much
time. With grayling in particular, location is often all: so your input was invaluable. Once again, many thanks.
Regards, JC